"Sometimes I feel like a motherless child
A long ways from home"
- Negro spiritual


The first born of the 21st century have come of age.

Marcus Borja creates a platform for this new generation to enquire into the role of art in tomorrow’s Europe.

Stemming from different cultures, around forty young performers between the ages of 18 and 21 express through dance, music and theater, their desires, beliefs and convictions about the world of tomorrow.

Far from being satisfied with a monochrome artistic vision, a single language, a single voice, they will create a multilingual, multi-ethnic, multicolored portrait of a continent rich in its plurality and differences.


Concept, production and musical direction: Marcus Borja
Production assistant & pianist: Antoine Maitrias
Light and video design: Gabriele Smiriglia
Sound design: John M. Warts
Guest participation: Lucile Bailly-Gourevitch

© Photo credit: Christophe Raynaud de Lage

Ayoub Baraù, Imène Benlachtar, Laura Besenbruch, Aleksandra Betanska, Yoanna Bolzli, Tristan Bowles, Zélie Brault, Lola Burbail, Thomas Da Costa, Jordan Dogo, Solomon Elechi, Anouk Eppele, Harshvardhan Garg, Gabriel Gozlan-Hagendorf, Ada Harb, Lucie Hennebert, Loïc Heurteaut, Mathieu Jeammet, Nicolas Jean-Brianchon, Marion Kergourlay, Fanny Laborie, Léa Lelièvre, Ysée Lienart, Yiton Liu, Yichen Liu, Florence Logan, Ndiémé Mbengue, Loïc Mbia, Arthur Médail, Nathan Moreira, Joseph Morgan, Clément Pradillon, Edouard Rérolle, Pierre Sutra, Eva Thicot, Rose Walls, Mathias Youb