December 4th, 2021, 7:00 p.m. – Villa Kujoyama – auditorium – Duration: 1h
A performance followed by a discussion with the audience.

Multimedia synthetic immersion in collaboration with Céline Pelcé, a resident culinary artist at Villa Kujoyama.

For this cinematographic, musical, and gustatory performance pictured around my film, Note di Notte (Night Notes), Céline Pelcé and I invited the audience to a thrilling sequence of contrasts between confinement and escape, rules and madness, the illusion of control and irrepressible impulses… Have a seat!

We designed a system that invited the spectator-guest to take full part in the performance, where she/he was the key actor. We got inspired by the tea ceremony rituals, of which we both followed classes with the Japanese master Dairik Amae during our residency, to create a protocol of listening and attention. Those classes served the sensory experience the public was invited to.

The evening was set around two acts.

Act 1 was a taste film concert session, where I composed and performed a live piano soundtrack to an editing mixed with extracts from the silent movie Une Page folle (狂った一頁) (A Mad Page), produced by Teinosuke Kinugasa, 1926. In the meantime, Céline Pelcé, sitting on the piano tail, subtly directed the spectators along the path of the menu tasting she had anticipated for the occasion. The menu was displayed in bento boxes in front of every guest. We created titles for the film, which it didn’t originally have, written – in the first person – in Japanese, French, and English, putting ourselves in the spectators’ shoes and making them accomplices in the performance. Everything was connected and responding in this multisensory plot (music, images, tastes, gestures, and writings).

Act 2 was connected to the previous one with subtle hints and anticipatory dramaturgy involving audience participation, premiered my short movie Note di Notte, completed during my residency in March of the same year.

© Crédit photos : Minechika Endo