October 1st, 2021 at 1:00 o’clock – Villa Kujoyama (auditorium) – Duration: One hour

Recital-performance solo

In this recital-performance solo, I took over Villa Kujoyama auditorium, as an opening of the Nuit Blanche Kyoto 2021. The program featured poetic text scores presented randomly upon  the piano. They were penned by several authors in their respective native languages, creating a polyphonic composition that weaves together poetry, choreography, and vocality, to render the sound of silence -as limitless poetry, the whispers of the blank page as audible as palpable.

This concert performance resumed and was revised on November 12, 2022, at the Collection Lambert in Avignon for the opening of Biennale ¡Viva Villa! – Ce à quoi nous tenons, from November 12th, 2022, till February 12th, 2023. Three texts written by Dimitris Dimitriadis have been added to the program.


Texts by Dante Alighieri, Samuel Beckett, Francesco Petrarca, Fernando Pessoa, Garcia Lorca, Gherasim Luca, Kenji Miyazawa, Girolamo Muzio, Yvo Pelay, Jacques Rebotier, and Yukie Sasada.
© Photos : Saki Maebata and Pierre Vernet